The Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper serves the Senate as its chief law enforcement and protocol officer and is the executive officer responsible for a host of support services in the Senate. Elected by the Senators, each Sergeant at Arms serves until a successor is chosen.
As chief law enforcement officer, the Sergeant at Arms is charged with supervising the Senate wing of the Capitol, maintaining security in the Capitol and in Senate buildings, and protecting Senators. Additionally, the Sergeant at Arms can compel Senators to come to the Senate Chamber to establish a quorum.Â
The Sergeant at Arms also oversees emergency preparedness planning, policies, and programs for the Senate. Working in close cooperation with the Secretary of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Capitol Police, this office is also responsible for continuity of operations and emergency preparedness training.Â
As the Senate’s chief protocol officer, the Sergeant at Arms’ responsibilities include escorting the President, Vice President, and other Heads of State and Government or official guests of the Senate who are attending official functions in the Capitol; making arrangements for funerals of Senators who die in office; and assisting with planning for the Inauguration of the President and Vice President.Â
As Doorkeeper, the Sergeant at Arms appoints staff to maintain order in the Senate Chamber, in the lobby, in adjoining rooms, and in the galleries. These doorkeepers manage access to the Senate Chamber by making sure only those with floor privileges under the Senate rules may enter the Chamber.Â
As executive officer of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms enforces all rules of the Senate: standing rules, standing orders, rules for the regulation of the Senate wing, and rules for impeachment trials. The Sergeant at Arms is also responsible for all Senate computers, software, equipment, repairs, and technology support services, as well as the Senate’s cybersecurity. In addition, the Sergeant at Arms broadcasts Senate floor proceedings and committee hearings and assists Senate offices with the management of their staffing, mailing, and state office needs. The Sergeant at Arms provides video and audio recording, photography, and printing and graphics services to the Senate community and provides Capitol Telephone Exchange operator services to all Congressional offices and the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Sergeant at Arms also cleans and furnishes Senate offices in the Capitol, greets and directs visitors with official business in the Capitol, and credentials and assists members of the news media who cover the Senate.Â
The Sergeant at Arms also shares responsibility for the Senate Page Program and the Senate Joint Office of Training and Development with the Secretary of the Senate.